Kara Shallenberg
253 books
Earth Sciences
J. G. M'Pherson - Meteorology; or Weather Explained
Weather Explained: Fog, clouds, rain, haze, thunder, cyclones, dew point and how to count dust motes are just a few of the 35 topics covered in short, easy to read and understand chapters in this book published in...
3 hours 36 minutes
Animals & Nature
Beatrix Potter - Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
Born in Victorian London on July 28th, 1866, Beatrix Potter created some of the best-loved children’s stories of all time. Starting with Peter Rabbit and moving through the rest of these delightful tales, the Great...
3 hours 31 minutes
Ludwig van Beethoven - Selected Letters of Ludwig van Beethoven
A selection of Beethoven's letters from the compilation by Ludwig Ritter von Köchel (1800-1877) and Ludwig Nohl (1831-1885), and translated by Lady Grace Wallace. (Summary by Scott D. Farquhar) 09 — To Herr Kauka...
3 hours 31 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Ellis Parker Butler - Adventures of a Suburbanite
Why is the neighbor so obsessed with his car? Where can we find a good gardener? Should we have a Santa Claus at our Christmas party? Yes, this is suburbia… much the same today as it was in 1911. — Summary by Sarah...
3 hours 18 minutes